
The ANZNN is located in the National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit (NPESU) within the University of New South Wales (UNSW). The arrangement is outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the ANZNN and UNSW.

The structure, membership and terms of reference of each of the ANZNN committees can be found here:
Structure of the ANZNN


*ANZNN Management Group is comprised of the Chairs of these committees and the ANZNN Operations Manager
^Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Surgical Network


Advisory Council

The Advisory Council is the governing body of the ANZNN and includes the directors (or their nominee) of each participating neonatal intensive care unit, holders of a Chair in Perinatal/Neonatal medicine or nursing, and any persons elected to the Executive Committee not in the previous categories. The Director of NPESU, who is the data custodian for the ANZNN, is also a member of the Advisory Council. The purpose of the Advisory Council is to monitor the progress of the ANZNN, discuss current issues and agree on new variables for inclusion in the minimum data set and to approve the use of the data for research.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is an elected committee that has area representation from neonatologists, data managers and nurses from across the Network and is concerned with the general functioning of the network, finance and decision-making. The Chair of the Executive can be contacted through the ANZNN Coordinator.

Name Area represented
Prof Kei Lui Chair
Dr David Barker New Zealand Special Care Units
Dr Malcolm Battin New Zealand/ANZNN CPI
Dr Margaret Broom Australian Neonatal Nurses
Prof Georgina Chambers NPESU/UNSW
Dr Manbir Chauhan Queensland
Dr Anjali Dhawan Australian Special Care Units
Dr Jim Holberton ANZNN DCOC
Prof Rod Hunt Other Neonatologist/ANZNSN
A/Prof Amy Keir South Australia/Northern Territory
Ms Claire Jacobs New Zealand Neonatal Nurses
Dr Melissa Luig New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory
Ms Natalie Merida Consumer
Ms Tori Oliver Audit Officers and Data Managers
A/Prof Victor Samuel Rajadurai Singapore/Hong Kong
Dr Naomi Spotswood Victoria/Tasmania
Prof Tobias Strunk Western Australia


Data Collection and Operation Committee

The Data Collection and Operation Committee coordinates the operations of the ANZNN data collection, monitors the operation and development of the Data Capture System, and reports to the Advisory Council through the Executive Committee.

The data managers and audit officers are responsible for the collection and submission of data for the ANZNN. The ANZNN Operations Manager is the point of contact for the ANZNN and liaises with ANZNN committees, NPESU, data managers and audit officers.